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Minecraft Snapshot 25w08a

We're adding some new, fun and cute features in this week's snapshot. Spawn eggs just got cuter with new textures looking more like the mobs they spawn. Wolves are becoming even more unique with their own individual sounds. When a wolf spawns, it will get one of seven personalities, unrelated to their variant or biome. From cute to grumpy, each wolf will bark, growl, pant, whine, and express themselves in their own unique way. To top it all off, leaf litter will now look even better with new colors...

Minecraft Snapshot 25w07a

Frogday on a Thursday, who thinks of that?! In this week's snapshot we are updating trades for wandering traders and cartographers. We have also introduced new, biome-based spawn rules for sheep. It's time to go out and explore the world! Mojang's bug-tracker Mojira is migrating to the cloud and during the process bug reporting is unavailable. The new platform will soon be up and running, ready for players to log in, create accounts, and most importantly – report bugs! During the downtime, try...

Minecraft Snapshot 25w06a

This week we have been contemplating existential questions like "What came first; the cold chicken or the blue egg?". It's time for the cold chicken and the warm chicken to make their way into snapshot 25w06a together with their respective colorful egg. In addition, pink cactus flowers and dry grass will now decorate deserts and badlands.

New Features
  • Added Warm and Cold Chicken variants
  • Added Short Dry Grass and Tall Dry Grass
  • Added Cactus Flower block which can grow on Cactus blocks ...

Minecraft Java Edition - Snapshot 25w05a

Happy snapshot Wednesday! (You didn't think we were done, did you?) Today's snapshot is filled with new features: Say hello the cold and warm cow variants roaming cold and warm biomes across the Overworld, treat your ears to new ambient desert sounds and spruce up your builds with the bush block and sparkling firefly bush! And of course, we're also bringing you a fresh collection of bug fixes and technical updates. Happy mining!

New Features
  • Added cold and warm variants for the Cow ...

Minecraft Snapshot 25w04a

It's time for another snapshot! To kick things off, we are reverting the fixes for MC-271065 and MC-152728. This week's snapshot also comes with a whole slew of datapack updates, including new components and item model capabilities. If you like to play around with datapacks, you will definitely find something fun in this update! ...

Minecraft Snapshot 25w03a

This week's snapshot comes with a huge update to game tests! The game tests system is now accessible through data packs with the new test command. You can now run block based tests with the new test block or set up even more versatile test from code in mods. Happy testing!

  • Leaf Litter can be used in the Composter
  • Saddles equipped onto Pigs or Striders will now maintain properties such as custom name when dropped
Technical Changes
  • The Data Pack version is now 63 ...