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Farlight 84

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Latest Updates

Season Duration, Hero, and Weapon Adjustments: Farlight 84 V2.6.4.7 Patch Notes

Greetings, Lightcatcher! We want to inform you that an update is scheduled for January 9, 2024 (UTC). This update will not require downtime and will not disrupt your gameplay. Our team is working tirelessly to deliver an incredible experience for the new year. However, we’ve made the difficult decision to extend the current season until April 18, 2025, to ensure the first major update of the year lives up to your expectations. ...

5 Fixes, New Events, & Balancing: : Farlight 84 V2.6.3.5 Patch Notes

Greetings, Lightcatcher! Farlight 84 is scheduled for a quick hotfix on [UTC 2024/12/05]. There will be no downtime, and the update will not affect your gaming in any way. Event: Winter Wonderland Event rewards include SSR Hero Skins, Avatar Frames, and more!   Event begins December 14. Certain event rewards will be available for preview following this update.   Limited Pack: Dances With Dragons The set contains:   a. UR AK-77 Assault Rifle Skin: Dragon Waves   ...

Balance Adjustments: Farlight 84 V2.6.2.4 Update Announcement

Greetings, Lightcatcher! Farlight 84 is scheduled for a quick hotfix on [UTC 2024/11/28]. There will be no downtime, and the update will be downloaded automatically. Update Features: Heroes Maychelle can no longer use her Sonic Tracking skill while previewing her Sonic Wave skill.   Weapons

  1. Adjusted the burn frequency, duration, and damage of Dragonfire Shells.   a. Burn frequency changed from once every 0.3s to once every 0.4s.   b. Burn duration increased from 1s to 2s.   ...

14 Bug Fixes and Improvements: Farlight 84 V2.6.1.2 Update Announcement

Greetings, Lightcatcher! Farlight 84 is scheduled for a quick hotfix on [UTC 2024/11/21]. There will be no downtime, and the update will be downloaded automatically.   Update Features: Bug Fixes and Improvements Heroes   1. Fixed an issue where, after entering stealth with a weapon equipped and then leaving stealth, tapping the fire button would make Phantom automatically draw a weapon and fire.   ...

Farlight 84: November 14th Update - Developer Notes

The upcoming update is almost here! Following the September "Hi, Buddy!" expansion, this update brings more improvements, introduces the brand new hero Ling Bo, and a new weapon type—pistols. In this version, Ling Bo's distinctive skills shake up the battlefield, while the new revolver offers a fresh choice for mid to long-range combat. You'll also find a weapon inspection feature, hero skill adjustments, and refined seasonal missions for a smoother gameplay experience. ...

4 Bug Fixes and Season Extended: Farlight 84 V2.5.2.9 Update Announcement

Greetings, Lightcatcher!   Farlight 84 is scheduled for a quick hotfix on [UTC 2024/10/10]. There will be no downtime, and the update will be downloaded automatically. Season: Sun-Kissed Beach We are extending the duration of "Season: Sun-Kissed Beach" until November 14. The end dates of all events within the season will also be adjusted accordingly. Please refer to the in-game display for the exact event times.   Bug Fixes and Improvements Maps
