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MAR 19 - The Mana Rework and Objectives Patch

Hello hello SUPERVIVERS and welcome back to another patch. This one might seem small in word count, but each line means a lot, so read everything! All of it!!! Thematically, I’d say our orientation is toward making the game and combat state of SUPERVIVE more intuitive, action-oriented, and appreciable. This is just step one toward that goal, and our next patch - the launch of Arc 2! - should feel like a significant evolution for SUPERVIVE, so stay tuned. ...

MARCH 5 PATCH - Saros arrives, leveling adjustments, and Hunter balance

Hallo SUPERVIVERs. Today’s patch is on the lighter side as we’re cooking on a number of changes that will have a large impact on the shape of the game. Does that sound vague? Maybe a little provocative? Good! Want to help out? You should join us on our Discord to get into our beta playtests and see what’s on the horizon. We’re excited for these changes, but just want to make sure they’re well-baked. Anyway, enough about that, let’s do the patch notes.  



FEB 19 PATCH - More strategic tuning, balance, and mobility adjustments

Welcome back. We know things have been hectic with last patch’s massive set of structural changes, so this patch we’re focused on follow-up: listening to feedback, smoothing out economic imbalances, and continuing our work on mobility. Let’s get to it!

Game Structure

Early Game Structure - Gold Matters Pt. 2 ...

[MUST READ] FEB 5 PATCH - Gold MATTERS + Mobility Adjustments + Discord Social


Okay this is one of the largest patches we’ve shipped, ever. And for good reason - there’s a lot of work to do as we rebuild the entire strategic layer of SUPERVIVE toward a brighter future. Speaking to the why: when we launched SUPERVIVE into open beta, we quickly saw that new players just didn’t know where to go or what to do in our more open-ended game. So we spiked some short-term changes like quests and the day 1 revival rules to try to expose the base game more quickly—which...

JAN 22 - Leveling Rework + BIG Balance Patch Notes

Opening Context

Welcome to the second patch of Season Zero, Arc One, Beebo’s… etc, etc. As with every patch, we’re trying to synthesize all of your feedback into a set of big, experimental changes to improve the game, which we’ll then learn from and continue iterating on in future patches. ...

Season Zero - Arc 1 Patch Notes - Beebo’s Warped Tour!

Welcome to Season Zero, our first season of themed content after Open Beta launch. As a note, we may not stick absolutely to this theme, but we think it’s fun to have creative wrappers so here we are. But before I get to the fun stuff, since this is our first patch back from the holidays, we should talk about how things are going and where we’re going with SUPERVIVE. First: we appreciate y’all playing and sticking around. Second: while things aren’t perfect, we did see improvements over the...