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Deep Rock Galactic: Survivor

PatchBot will keep your Discord channel up-to-date on all the latest Deep Rock Galactic: Survivor patch notes.


Latest Updates

Patch 0.4.19d

Fixed an issue where starting gold and nitra would not show up correctly when starting a Mutator Madness anomaly run

  • Fixed an issue where the warden shield would not reduce status effect damage
  • Fixed an issue where the Rotten Sugar during Mutator Madness dives, could break the game resulting in negative HP values, immortality and a Mission Control that just didn’t care to extract you. ...

Hotfix 0.4.8d

Improvements & Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the Azure Weald hazard 2 biome goal would only count healing from glowing crystal formations
  • Fixed an issue with glowing Crystal Formations leaving a lingering audio effect across stages and dives
  • Fixed audio for “pin” and “unpin” button in the Shop being very loud
  • Fixed Warden Mind Link audio being very loud
  • Fixed Jump pad and Jet Boots landing audio sometimes triggering twice ...

Update 04 - Into the Blue

Hello Survivors,

Welcome to the fourth major update for Deep Rock Galactic: Survivor: “Into the Blue”. Management has been busy cutting through red tape and can finally open operations in a new biome: Azure Weald. This biome is as beautiful as it is deadly and features new enemy types, glowing crystal formations, and bouncy membranes. ...

Hotfix 0.3.35d

Hello Survivors! We just updated the game with a small hotfix for the sweet tooth. Make sure you have the latest version of the game 0.3.35d to enjoy it Short and sweet list of fixes:  

  • Fixed an issue where the Red Sugar Cube artifact would no longer give you Max HP

Balance Pass & Bug Fixes

Hello Survivors, As promised, a small bug fix and balance patch while you wait for Update 04. Thanks for having patience with us!

Improvements & Fixes
  • Fixed an issue where some progress could be lost if quitting the game immediately after ending a run[*]Enemy projectiles are now destroyed when hitting the player[*]Fixed an issue where the “Mastery Gained” screen would show up, even when no actual progression had been gained[*]Reaching 0 Max HP with the Energy Bars artifact will...

Summer Patch

Hello Survivors,

We’re slowly returning from our Summer holiday, and will soon begin preparations for Update 04. The first step is to update our living roadmap, as soon as we settle on a scope for the next update - stay tuned. Until then, we thought we’d make a small patch with some fixes, balance changes, and a much-requested feature allowing you to ‘pin’ upgrades in the shop. Here are the patch notes for patch 0.3.0d:  

