A platoon of Moebian 21st soldiers has been infected by the Blight. Their armour will make them harder to deal with than the usual hordes you encounter.
We thought we'd stopped this mess after that trouble at the cathedral. Well, you know what to do.
Play missions with a set of Special Conditions, “Infected Moebian 21st”, and as a team collect Grimoires or Scriptures to earn rewards.
As mentioned in our last post, Update on Hotfix
#58 (1.6.5), there as an issue in the game that could cause some players to crash when interacting with the Sacrifice function at the Shrine of the Omnissiah.
This was fixed in today’s hotfix.
Fixed a crash that would happen when accessing the Sacrifice or Discard menus without any available weapon to sacrifice/discard, or when returning to the above menus after having sacrificed/discarded all the available weapons for that character.
We’ve got our first Hotfix (#58 aka 1.6.5) for the year ready for everyone now. It’s begun to roll out across all of our platforms and it’ll begin to be available shortly. Players might want to relog to access the new servers.
Re: Stalls and disconnects on console.
We are continuing to investigate the increased rate of stalls causing disconnects on console. We’ve seen this happens more frequently in high intensity missions such as higher levels of Havoc and Auric...
#56 (1.6.3) is currently rolling out across our platforms, and it should be available for everyone in the next hour or so. In the meantime, you can view the notes below.
Havoc Fixes
Fixed an issue where some of the rewards for Havoc penances had the wrong rarity color displayed.
If voting to deploy on a Havoc assignment results in the deployment being cancelled, no assignment charge will be consumed.
#55 (1.6.2) is currently being rolled out across our platforms and it should be out everywhere in an hour. You can read the notes below
Audio Fixes
Fixed an issue that caused audio stutter and performance degradation when using virtual surround functionality on Console and PC (e.g. the audio crackling).
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