by Eladrin
Today's update includes some AI improvements and fixes to the new breadthwise job allocation.
Stellaris 3.99.4 'Phoenix' Open Beta Release NotesFixes and Improvements
Significant improvements to the breadthwise job assignment distribution.
AI now understands the use of Zones.
(Known Inssue: Scripting weights are not yet balanced.)
Fixed cloaking detection tooltip overwriting value breakdown with generic description
by Eladrin
Another update today for the weekend! Lots of important changes in this one.
Stellaris 3.99.3 ‘Phoenix’ Open Beta updateFixes and Improvements
Habitats are now semi-functional in the Open Beta.
Habitats now derive their maximum mining, generator, and science district development based on the resources in the system. Orbital deposits grant 1 + (half their base value, rounded down) maximum district development.
by Eladrin
We have another update to the Open Beta today, and are planning for another later on this week.
Stellaris 3.99.2 'Phoenix' Open Beta Release NotesFixes and Improvements
Added an Industrial Zone for mixed alloys and consumer goods
The focus task "Embrace a Faction" is changed to "Promote a Faction"
Added two focus tasks for MegaCorps to establish branch offices
Updated costs of special projects that have costs that scale with the number of pops
by Eladrin
Hello everyone!
We've updated the Open Beta to 3.99.1, with the following changes:
Stellaris 3.99.1 ‘Phoenix’ Open Beta updateFixes and Improvements
Fallen Empires are blocked from using the Existential Expulsion casus belli
Negative effects added to the Magnetic Disruption planet modifier
Assembling robots will no longer cause the slow and inevitable decline of your growing pops
Changed auto pick leader traits setting to default to off
by PDX-Loke
Dear Stellaris Fans,
We've created another small patch for you, aiming to address a couple of noteworthy issues coming out of last week.
3.13.2 is available for download now.
3.13.2 Patch NotesBugfix
Fixed the issue where Gestalt Empire industrial districts only provided 1 Fabricator job instead of 2.
Fixed the issue where the tooltip of a Cosmic Storm incorrectly stated 0 days remaining.
Dear Stellaris Fans,
The team has produced a bugfix and balance patch following our 3.13 + Cosmic Storms release September 10th.
3.13.1 is now available for download. Please find the patch notes below, identical to what was posted earlier by Eladrin.
3.13.1 Patch NotesBalance
Added free pop to first blocker for planetscapers
Decreased Storm Creation costs and buffed Astrometeorology job
Stormriders and Subterranean get less devastation from storms
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