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Borderlands 3 Update Notes: Pandora's Box

Today we will release an update for Borderlands 3, which will be live on all platforms by 12:00 PM PT.

This update contains support for the release of the Borderlands Collection: Pandora's Box and addresses some identified player concerns.

  • Added new customizations to celebrate Borderlands Collection: Pandora's Box!
  • Four NEW Vault Hunter Heads
  • Four NEW Vault Hunter Skins
  • Two NEW ECHO Device Skins
  • Four NEW Weapon Trinkets
  • One NEW Global Weapon Skin ...

Borderlands 3 - Update and Hotfixes [11/18/2021] + Vault Card 3

Today we will release an update for Borderlands 3, which will be live on all platforms by 12:00 PM PST. This update adds the third and final Vault Card for players who own the Director’s Cut content, adds a toggle for the True Trials event effects, activates the limited-time Co-op Loot Drop event ending on November 25 at 8:59 AM PT, and...

Borderlands 3 - Hotfix [10/28/2021]

The Traunt Family has hijacked this week’s Borderlands 3 changes, and they’re looking for REVENGE for what you did as part of Maurice’s Community Carnage Challenges. How DARE you all take them down so quickly! They’re fueled by rage and ready to return the favor. We expect them to calm down on November 4 at 8:59 AM PT.


Borderlands 3 - Hotfix [10/14/2021]

Today’s changes to Borderlands 3 activate two exciting events! It kicks off the first of Maurice’s Community Carnage Challenges: Traunt’s Bloodied Bloodline and the Door Buster Mini-Event returns! For Traunt’s Bloodied Bloodline, the community needs to kill Captain Traunt (found on Athenas), General Traunt (found on Nekrotafeyo), and Captain Haunt (found in Heck, which can...

Borderlands 3 - Hotfixes [Sept 9, 2021]

Today’s changes to Borderlands 3 continue the Borderlands 3 Second Anniversary Celebration with Mayhem Made Mild and Show Me the Eridium.

Maurice’s Black Market Vending Machine will be moving to a new location on Thursdays at 9:00...

Borderlands - Hotfixes [Sept 2, 2021]

Today’s changes to Borderlands 3 activate the Loot the Universe event on Nekrotafeyo as part of the Borderlands 3 Second Anniversary Celebration. Each week during Loot the Universe, Borderlands 3’s planets will take turns of having even better drops, with specific types of Legendary loot having increased chance...