We released Godot 4.4 in early March and we are delighted to see the reception, with so many users upgrading to it on day 1 and sharing their favorite new changes on social media! If you haven’t seen the 4.4 release page, it’s well worth a read!
Our first development snapshot for 4.5 has arrived! As is often the case following a feature-freeze, several quality PRs were finally released from the collective backlog, as merging them at the time would’ve been too much of a risk. In truth, the quantity has been so great that we could’ve gotten away with releasing a snapshot a week ago! However, we found it worth our time to hold out and get as many contributions integrated as possible, as a way of thanking those who’ve been so patient...
We released Godot 4.4 last week and we are delighted to see the reception, with so many users upgrading to it on day 1 and sharing their favorite new changes on social media! If you haven’t seen the 4.4 release page, it’s well worth a read!
Look forward to plenty of quality of life improvements hidden within this release. Faster load speeds, reduced stutter, streamlined processes — spotting all the optimizations that have been applied in the background will take some time.
On top of that, long-awaited comfort features like embedded game windows and interactive in-game editing will feel more in line with other software on the market, making transitioning between them an even smoother experience. The editor overhaul alone takes up a big chunk of this release, after all.
We are almost ready to release Godot 4.4 officially! As we are in the Release Candidate stage and focus only on critical regression fixes, the pace of merging pull requests has nearly stopped… but a lot of good stuff is already being queued for the next release cycle. In the meantime, the communication team is doing an amazing work to finalize the contents of the release page, so that you can all (re)discover the highlights...
Last week, we released the first of our Release Candidate builds, a state suitable for production settings. This is the second entry, and already shaping up to be our last, as all relevant release blockers have been dealt with! While we prepare for the stable release—no more than a week’s time from now—let’s enjoy one last roundup of changes.
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