Support for Intel XeLL and XeSS Frame Generation has been added. Settings can be found in the graphics menu for players on PC who meet the hardware requirements.
By default, Diablo IV will now enable resolution scaling for better performance. The scaling method chosen will be based on the user's hardware configuration.
Bug Fixes
Season of Witchcraft
Fixed an issue where the Scour event could not be completed in certain situations.
Potency Skill damage increased from 10-20% per stack to 15-25%, and maximum increased from 100-200% to 150-250%.
Wushe Nak Pa
Primary Spirit Hall Potency increased from 100-200% to 200-300%.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where the fog wall in the Ancient Nexus could not be passed by one player in the party if another started the encounter before every party member entered the arena.
Fixed an issue where Blood Golem’s Upgrade would not increase its damage while the Golem was Healthy, which includes the increase from Ring of Mendeln, Shademist Aspect, and Aspect of Fel Gluttony.
Fixed an issue where Skirmisher Skeleton Warriors would only deal increased damage from their basic attacks, and not from Ring of Mendeln or Shademist Aspect.
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