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Minion Masters

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Minion Masters - Patch 2.9

 Patch 2.9 - Moonstruck

The Revenant Ravager Perk 2: Onslaught Codex

Valorian Perk 1: Holy Fire


Bannerman- Spawns with Shield Chain Gang

  • Unit count 3 → 4 Denver
  • Movespeed 3 → 4 Frostfang Familiar
  • Will move to friendly minions anywhere Frostfeathers
  • Movespeed 10 → 7 Healing Fireball
  • Cast delay 1 → 0.5 Jez’Ra
  • Health 700 → 750 Kamikazeppelin
  • Mana cost 6 → 5 Mana Puff Madness
  • Mana Freeze 2 → 1 Net Blaster ...

Minion Masters - Patch 2.7

Shifting Sands


  • Stun duration against mythic targets 10 > 12 Kamikazeppelin
  • Bombs Damage 75 > 100
  • Crash Explosion Damage 150 > 200 King Puff Perk 2: Mimic Magic
  • Cooldown 1 > 0.5 Kurrnath
  • Health 300 > 325 Magma Cannon
  • Attack Cooldown 1.2 > 1.1 Mordar Perk 1: Tomb of the Deathless
  • Add 5 sec duration
  • Fix perk 2 interaction
  • Fix spirit removing health from tombstone as well Morellia Perk 1: Rites of the Dead
  • Rites of the Dead 18 > 15 Netherstep ...

Minion Masters - Patch 2.6

Patch 2.6 - Power UP!

### NEW FEATURE: Alternative Master Perks With this patch we are releasing the Alternative Master Perks feature. Every Master now has access to new tools in the form of new perks that you can choose to use in place of the existing set of abilities that in many cases have existed for years. Some of these offer new play styles, some offer new deckbuilding challenges, some allow you to react to your opponent’s choices. ...

Alternative Master Perks


### With the 2.6 update we have released the Alternative Master Perks feature! This expands the possibilities available to each master by giving them options for which perks to use during matches! With this initial release we are releasing one new perk for each master and we will be releasing more perks in future patches. ...

Minion Masters - Patch 2.2

 Commander's Blade

Patch 2.2 is here! We're adding several Quality of Life features and improvements (you will now be able to change your username) as well as our usual balance pass and new content.   Speaking of new content... .png) Please...

Minion Masters - Patch 2.1

 Prologue Update

Our efforts are going 100% towards improving the experience on PC and Xbox. With 2.1 we have fixed 100+ bugs/other improvements based on your feedback (See patch notes). Our focus in the near future (after the 2.1 patch) is towards the following:

  • Crashes and disconnects: We are still getting reports on crashes and disconnects. If you are experiencing these issues, please grab a member of the Minion Masters team and help us locate the issue. It would be a huge help to us! -...