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Company of Heroes 3

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Hot Fix 1.9.4

Multiplayer Balance


  • Population increased from 5 to 6
  • Manpower upkeep increased from 1/1.25 to 1.5 per population
  • Reinforcement cost increased from 30 to 32
  • Decapture speed reduced from 1.25 to 1
Bug Fixes
  • Made some UI improvements to the live Observer Mode tournament layout. The upgrade tracker pane is now paginated. ...

Hot Fix 1.9.3

Fixed an issue where Salvage Crews allowed for an exploit causing infinite resources.

  • Fixed an issue where players running in Simplified Chinese at certain resolutions including 1440p could hit a soft-lock during the single-player campaign when first selecting an Indian Artillery unit. 修复了以简体中文运行某些分辨率(包括 1440p)的玩家在单人战役中首次选择印度炮兵部队时可能会遇到锁死的问题。
  • Fixed infantry sometimes getting stuck on retreat. ...

Hot Fix 1.9.2

Fixed a crash that occurred when viewing or selecting out-of-date replays.

Hot Fix 1.9.1

  • Fixed an issue with super-mines. Mines will once again obey the damage dealt per-model-per-squad rule.
  • Fixed an issue where the Air and Sea Battlegroup Pack Howitzer and Command Support Section unlocks would deduct 1 Command Point from the player.
  • The Sherman Whizbang will now properly convert to the standard M4A1 Sherman variant upon jettisoning its launcher. It will now properly unlock the smoke launcher ability, standard Sherman tank Veterancy, and gain access to the White Phosphorous...

Orchid Spider (1.9.0) Patch Notes

The Orchid Spider (1.9) update for Company of Heroes 3 introduces new maps, our Live Observer Mode, in-game Leaderboards, and substantial additions to multiplayer with new unit Veterancy and unit distinction and ability changes. Notably, VFX Improvements and Light Vehicle Tuning which we had slated for this update have been moved to our 2nd Anniversary update in February. You can get a summary of what's coming in this update in our Mission Briefing and find our Known Issues list here. As today's...

Hot Fix 1.8.3

Hot Fix 1.8.3
  • Fixed an issue where Battlegroups were still not appearing in Skirmish mode for all players. Steam Workshop mods should no longer cause this issue with Battlegroups in Single Player.
  • Updated Air Superiority challenge to include unique variants of Incendiary Bombing run found on the British Air and Sea Company.
  • Bunker Buster challenge has been updated to include all player-built and HQ bunkers.