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Latest Updates

Early Access Hotfix #68

Hi Adventurers, This update brings a large update to the item drop rates as we prepare for the upcoming item paradigm shift in the coming weeks. We have significantly revamped the drop rate of items to give more incentives for players to go down to the lower dungeon levels and to enter the High Roller dungeons to match the high time and risk investment. Monster and chest drop rates have also been improved across the board to give more incentive to fight and explore. High Roller bosses and special...

Early Access Hotfix #67

Hi Adventurers, This update brings changes to the Adventure Points (AP) system to make progress a bit easier. We have heard your feedback and have re-added the ability to gain AP by interacting with lower-value monsters and chests. We have also increased the amount of AP earned for retrieving loot including treasure items. Please note that all AP earned for retrieving loot, including treasure, is displayed in the ‘itemachieve’ score.   ...

Early Access Hotfix #66

Hi Adventurers, This hotfix commences the start of the new Adventure Rank leaderboard. This season places more emphasis on high value targets such as capturing special chests, sub-bosses, bosses, and going down into the deeper levels. We have also fixed the leaver logic for the Arena, so the penalty only applies to players that preemptively leave an Arena match. We are collecting good data from the Arenas and hope to have the new Arena leaderboards ready soon. Thank you and see you in the dungeons! IRONMACE Changes: -...

Early Access Hotfix #65

Hi, Adventurers! This update introduces some long-awaited class balance changes and updates to some of the less popular equipment items. The Arena has been improved with bug fixes and slight modifications to the Arena maps including the addition of extra modules. We have also made some balance changes to the loot that drops from the 3-layer dungeons to give more incentive to delve deeper. Finally, we have decided to restart the Religion system based on the feedback and data from the community. We...

Early Access Hotfix #64

Hello, Adventurer! We are proud to introduce several key features for Early Access Season #4! This update introduces the Religion system. Adventurers can pledge their allegiance to one of several demigods and receive their special blessings. The update also gives players a sneak peek into the highly anticipated ‘Arena’ system. Please note that this first implementation of the Arena is an experimental version and meant only as a taste of what is to come. Many upcoming features, including an MMR...

Early Access Hotfix #63

Hi, Adventurers. Unfortunately, due to other things going on, we haven't been able to develop class and item details at this time. Starting next week with Hotfix #64, we'll be turning our attention to balance patches along with Experimental Arena. IRONMACE Changes:

  • Fixed several fatal client crashes that could occur in various situations.
  • Fixed an issue where some spells with a range of effects would not work correctly. ...