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MORDHAU Patch #30 - New Demon Horde Maps and QOL improvements


#30 is here! We are proud to unveil our latest patch for MORDHAU which introduces four brand-new Demon Horde maps, adds Horde maps back into the rotation, includes an array of quality-of-life (QoL) improvements, addressing Banner and Bear-trap intractability, and bug fixes, unveils updated weapon animations and attacks, and features a new Weapons Pack DLC You can read the full Change-logs below! ...

MORDHAU Patch #29 Hotfix 3

 Patch 29 Hotfix

#3 Changelog 07/16/2024 Demon Horde

  • Decreased enemy fall damage taken
  • Fixed an area in Totenwald where enemies would get stuck
  • Fixed wrong version of explosive barrel in the buy menu
  • Decreased kick knockback while having Blessed Fists
  • Decreased Holy Hand Grenade knockback

MORDHAU Patch #29 Hotfix 2 - Crossplay for PC and Consoles

Introducing crossplay between all MORDHAU releases. Players from XBOX and PlayStation consoles will now be able to join and play alongside PC players on official servers.  


#29 Hotfix 2 - Changelog 06/04/2024 General

  • Enabled Cross-play with PlayStation and XBOX platforms


  • Fixed Horde/Demon Horde Ultimate icon no longer visible after spectating other players
  • Fixed an input loss case if the Scoreboard and Interact key are pressed at the same time

Patch #29 Demon Horder - Hotfix 1

Patch 29 Hotfix

#1 Changelog 05/13/2024 Demon Horde

  • Improved Demon Horde performance at later stages
  • Fixed map bosses sometimes spawning with less health
  • Fixed objective catapult taking damage from weapons
  • Fixed lighting disparity in local Demon Horde match
  • Castello - Fixed final-objective cannon sometimes being inoperable
  • Mountain Peak - Fixed first boss lightning attack sound
  • Totenwald - Fixed invisible collision blocking path ...

MORDHAU Patch #29 - Demon Horde and 5th Anniversary Event

It has been 5 years since MORDHAU was unleashed into the world, and to celebrate this momentous occasion we have been busy working on a brand new game mode, cosmetics and some great new giveaways to those who play the game during the anniversary event! Enjoy the trailer for our new game mode - Demon Horde ...

Patch #28 - Hotfix 1


#28 - Hotfix 1 Changelog 12/13/2023 Maps

  • Totenwald:
  • Added more time for attackers on INV
  • Made the church door unrepairable
  • Fixed the griefing toolbox spots on FL Alt
  • Added anti toolbox volumes
  • Made the mortar indestructible
  • Fixed a case where the player is killed by dropping from the stairs near the library
  • Fixed the objective texts
  • Covered the hole in the gatehouse with rock
  • Added ramp from Castello Legacy to Castello
  • Removed the testing spawn on Cortile ...