Alpha Patch 4.0.2 has been released onto the PTU environment! Launcher should now show: VERSION 4.0.2-PTU.9573936.
Characters in this new environment have been built from Long Term Persistence(LTP) data.
Currently with LTP, certain player states such as personal hangar layout, custom characters, and in-game purchased consumables are not saved between releases which will cause some items to be lost in the next update.
Server Info: PTU Channel - US Servers Only
Alpha Patch 4.0.2 has been released onto the PTU environment! Launcher should now show: VERSION 4.0.2-PTU.9569712.
Characters in this new environment have been built from Long Term Persistence(LTP) data.
Currently with LTP, certain player states such as personal hangar layout, custom characters, and in-game purchased consumables are not saved between releases which will cause some items to be lost in the next update.
Server Info: PTU Channel - US Servers Only
Alpha Patch 4.0.2 has been released onto the PTU environment! Launcher should now show: VERSION 4.0.2-PTU.9567476.
Characters in this new environment have been built from Long Term Persistence(LTP) data.
Currently with LTP, certain player states such as personal hangar layout, custom characters, and in-game purchased consumables are not saved between releases which will cause some items to be lost in the next update.
Server Info: PTU Channel - US Servers Only
Alpha Patch 4.0.2 has been released onto the PTU environment! Launcher should now show: VERSION 4.0.2-PTU.9546856.
Characters in this new environment have been built from Long Term Persistence(LTP) data.
Currently with LTP, certain player states such as personal hangar layout, custom characters, and in-game purchased consumables are not saved between releases which will cause some items to be lost in the next update.
Server Info: PTU Channel - US Servers Only
Alpha Patch 4.0.2 has been released onto the PTU environment! Launcher should now show: VERSION 4.0.2-PTU.9521869.
Characters in this new environment have been built from Long Term Persistence(LTP) data.
Currently with LTP, certain player states such as personal hangar layout, custom characters, and in-game purchased consumables are not saved between releases which will cause some items to be lost in the next update.
Server Info: PTU Channel - US Servers Only
Alpha Patch 4.0.2 has been released onto the PTU environment for Evocati to test! Launcher should now show: VERSION 4.0.2-PTU.9518844.
Audience: Evocati Only. We will assess after a couple hours for further, open waves (NDA - No Streaming or Content Creation that shows the game beyond talking about the build)
Server Info: PTU Channel - US Servers Only
Long Term Persistence: Enabled
Mesh Configuration: 5:5:600
Hangar Spawning: Disabled
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