Alpha Patch 3.24.3 has now been released onto the LIVE Environment! Launcher should now show: VERSION 3.24.3-LIVE.9423704.
Characters in this new environment have been built from Long Term Persistence(LTP) data.
Currently with LTP, certain player states such as personal hangar layout, custom characters, and in-game purchased consumables are not saved between releases which will cause some items to be lost in the next update.
Items not saved to LTP Include:
Alpha Patch 3.24.3 has been released to the PTU, and is now available to test! Patch should now show: VERSION 3.24.3-PTU.9421824.
Characters in this new environment have been built from Long Term Persistence(LTP) data.
Currently with LTP, certain player states such as personal hangar layout, custom characters, and in-game purchased consumables are not saved between releases which will cause some items to be lost in the next update.
Audience: All Waves
Alpha Patch 3.24.3 has been released to the PTU, and is now available to test! Patch should now show: VERSION 3.24.3-PTU.9420892.
Characters in this new environment have been built from Long Term Persistence(LTP) data.
Currently with LTP, certain player states such as personal hangar layout, custom characters, and in-game purchased consumables are not saved between releases which will cause some items to be lost in the next update.
Audience: All Waves
Alpha Patch 4.0 has been released to Evocati, and is now available to test! Patch should now show: VERSION 4.0.0-EPTU.9418963.
For this test, Evocati will be fully allowed to show off this build, so you will be allowed to stream, make videos, and share screenshots of this test!
Characters in this new environment have been built from Long Term Persistence(LTP) data.
Fixed - MISC Starlancer - PU - Vehicles / Bed logout - no option for bed logout (STARC-138614)
Fixed - UI Tech - Vehicle RTT - Sometimes a ship will fly off the Vehicle RTT on both casts and MFDs. (STARC-129864)
Fixed - Origin 400i - PU - Vehicles / Art / GFX - Visarea - There are visarea issues with the component bays and cargo bay door in the 400i (STARC-105219)
Possible Fix - Multivehicle - Stanton - Ships / ASOP / Docking Port - Retrieving a ship to a docking port can cause the ship to be spawned inside the waiting area of the docking port instead of the end of the docking tube
Fixed - RSI Polaris - Vehicles - PU - Polaris Torpedo's do not restock (STARC-138719)