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Don't Starve Together

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Game Update - 620060

###### Update Information: Changes

  • Charming Salt Tin has been made slightly taller to fit the salt box profile.
  • Followers will no longer destroy Exotic Trees.
  • Winona’s Shadow Seeker II will now work on Big Slimy Pits in the Caves.
  • Calibrated Perceiver will now work on most things that change prefabs when deployed or used.
  • It should now be easier to deploy Boat Bumpers after other structures have already been placed. Bug Fixes ...

Game Update - 619045

###### Update Information: Changes

  • Added new animation effects when Vine Bridges are about to break.
  • Added minimap indicators for Winona’s ability to choose a Wormhole path.
  • Crab King update:  - Thresholds for “level 2” effects of gems are raised from 4 to 5 gems.  - Orange gem gains level 2 and 3 effects like the other gems that make it harder to interrupt the healing actions.
  • Reduced the spacing needed for placing Fire Pits. Bug Fixes ...

Game Update - 618572

###### Update Information: Changes

  • Merm Tools can’t be used by players.
  • Bat Bat can now drain life from most things again.
  • Lowered waterproofness and removed insulation from Portasol.
  • Added new rain sounds for Portasol. Bug Fixes
  • Fixed Crab Guards and Crab Knights failing to abandon breaking ice floes.
  • Fixed the Bootleg not working with controllers.
  • Fixed bug where Winona could not Dismount from a Beefalo using controllers while holding a Portasol. ...

Game Update - 617868

###### Update Information: Changes

  • Added new UI sounds for Handy Remote.
  • Catapults will now hit fish in the ocean.
  • Improved timing of when items are visually teleported with Winona when using the Portasol.
  • Adjusted Night Berry overlay. Bug Fixes
  • Fixed a crash related to Night Lights loading in a world.
  • Fixed Grass Boats not having their Walking Plank skinned during placement.
  • Fixed an issue with Rose Colored Glasses going on cooldown on things when it should not. ...

Game Update - 617515

###### Update Information: Staying Afloat While Wurt and Winona hammer away on their own visions for the future, it seems the Constant's sea has seen some changes of its own. Be prepared to rock the boat in the name of progress! Highlights Include:

  • Skill Spotlight: Wurt and Winona Skillsets have been added.
  • Crab King redesign: new behaviors, minions, arena, and loot.
  • Sunken Chests: added new exclusive loot - Surprising Seeds and Archaic Boats. ...

Game Update - 616404

###### Update Information: Changes

  • Communal Kelp Dish and Superior Communal Kelp Dish can be used to call nearby merm to gather followers.
  • Merm toolshed tools and armermry armors will drop from dead merms.
  • Advanced Cachebox will no longer drop items the player already knows about for scanning and will drop an additional item if the player knows all of them.
  • High numbers of Purple Gems will start giving the Crab King’s mobs sleep resistance. ...