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3.25.1b Hotfix 2 - Path of Exile

3.25.1b Hotfix 2

  • Fixed an instance crash in the Gauntlet Event that could occur in the Act 7 Maligaro Boss fight.

3.25.1b Hotfix - Path of Exile

3.25.1b Hotfix

  • Fixed a bug in the Gauntlet Event where players had a chance to encounter an unaltered Brutus Boss fight.

3.25.1b Path of Exile

3.25.1b Patch Notes This patch includes support for the upcoming Gauntlet Event, new Voidborn Reliquary and Valdo's Map outcomes, as well as a few small bug fixes.

  • Added support for the upcoming Gauntlet Event.
  • Added 214 more foiled Unique Item options that the Voidborn Reliquary can yield.
  • Added 586 more foiled Tier 17 Valdo's Map options that the Valdo's Puzzle Box can yield.
  • Fixed a bug where Overseer Krow's Storm Whip ability was not creating projectiles. ...

3.25.1 Hotfix 3 - Path of Exile

3.25.1 Hotfix 3

  • Fixed a bug where the Affliction Skill, granted by The Selfish Shepherd Unique item, could be used on Minions that were immune to damage.

3.25.1 Hotfix 2 - Path of Exile

3.25.1 Hotfix 2

  • Fixed a bug where the Bloodscent Cluster Jewel Passive Skill was not affecting Rapiers.
  • Fixed a bug when Retaliation Skills tried to repeat, like from an Echoing Shrine, it could stop you from being able to move. They're no longer repeatable.
  • Fixed a client and instance crash. You will need to restart your client to receive the client changes in this hotfix.

3.25.1 Hotfix - Path of Exile

3.25.1 Hotfix

  • Significantly reduced the Detonate Dead Explosion Damage from Stygian Revenant Monsters.
  • Reduced the toughness of Magic, Rare, and Unique Monsters Empowered by Affliction Wisps that were missed in a previous 3.25.0c hotfix.
  • Fixed part of the corpse explosion telegraph effect on Monsters not showing. You will need to restart your client to receive the client changes in this hotfix.