Hello! This is the update note page for Phase 2 of the Seekers of the Storm Roadmap (False Son Boss Fight) - for more details about this phase you can check out the Dev Diary right here!
False Son Boss Fight
Improved attack, movement and transition animations across all phases of the encounter.
Hello again everyone! The second phase of our Seekers of the Storm improvement roadmap is here and ready to play on all platforms! With this one, we’re making some sweeping improvements to The False Son’s boss fight.
You can see the detailed update notes HERE but I'll give you a quick rundown too. The changes go beyond just simple cosmetic improvements so I'd highly recommend just jumping in and giving it a try.
For those of you who want to know what we’ve changed, read on!
Hey Everyone! Today we’re kicking off our SOTS roadmap with our first phase. Our focus for this phase is on Items and Elite Monsters. If you’re looking for the Dev Diary, you can find that over here!
Major Changes
Antler Shield - Renamed to Elusive Antlers
Old Functionality - 55% (+5% per stack) chance on being hit to reflect 10% (+10% per stack) damage back to the attacker.
Hey Everyone,
We want to start off by mentioning how much we appreciate folks jumping in and giving Seekers of the Storm a swing – we’ve never had so many people playing Risk of Rain 2. We also hear you loud and clear—this DLC fell short of your expectations. That feedback is fair. We’d like to take a moment and walk everyone through our plan to make it right.
Building an expansion that we think you will all love has been the main goal of our team for a long time now. Having the opportunity to see everyone finally experience everything we’ve been working on is a dream come true. We hope you all enjoy it as much as we loved...
Risk of Rain 2: Survivors of the Void PC Patch v1.2.4 (Build ID
Changes with the ‘🌧’ icon in front of them are changes or additions suggested by the community. As always, if you want to stay up to date on the game or give us feedback feel free to join the discord at https://discord.gg/riskofrain2
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