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Release Notes for 635


  • Adds a visual editor for the Class.AudioFilter instance.


  • Fixes disappearing light chunks and shadow updates.
  • Fixes bug where deleting a part under the player character may cause them to float in place for other players.
  • Fixes Class.VRService.VREnabled initialization error in Roblox Studio VR mode. ...

Release Notes for 634


  • Added a color grading post-effect instance type to the engine.
  • Performance of the Default Collision Fidelity is improved.
  • Improved Luau typechecking performance in places that use complex non-generic types.
  • Adds the RichText property in Class.GetTextBoundsParams, which you can use to measure TextBounds of RichText.


  • Fixes disappearing lights in async lighting voxelization. ...

Release Notes for 633


  • Warns the first time an instance is added under the deprecated JointsService.
  • Adds the Class.AudioFilter instance.
  • Added context menu support in Studio to help find what Wires are connected to
  • Added Widget header with Device Selector and Mapping buttons.
  • Turning on and off UI visibility (including via StarterGui.ShowDevelopmentGui) no longer deactivates the select tool. ...

Release Notes for 631


  • Adds the Montserrat font to the content folder as 'rbxasset://fonts/families/Montserrat.json'. Note that this isn't a new font, it was already available on the Marketplace.
  • Integrates Grass Density with PerformanceControl to automatically reduce memory usage on low-end devices.
  • The linter now issues warnings for using @native attribute on functions in native modules.
  • Optimizes collisions for complicated meshes.
  • Attributes are now syntax-highlighted in Studio.


Release Notes for 630


  • Updates current tone mapper presets to not affect Class.Lighting.Technology of Enum.Technology.Compatibility|Compatibility.
  • Adds a visual editor for Class.AudioEqualizer.
  • Improves the flame graph UI for Microprofiler.
  • Introduces @native attribute to enable native compilation of individual Luau functions.
  • Adds BanConfigType and UnbanConfigType for the inputs to the ban APIs. ...

Release Notes for 629


  • Adds visual parity between desktop and mobile highlights: no dithering, correct blending, and highlight outline support.
  • Added a tonemapper in ColorCorrectionEffect that allows for voxel lighting to look more similar to Compatibility mode.
  • MicroProfiler can now show memory allocation intensity, export summary graphs on CPU and memory usage, and captures are now five times more compact.
  • Slightly increased throughput of lighting updates per frame ...