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Patch Notes Version 1.16

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an issue where temporary boosts to player stats would remain even after closing and restarting the game.
  • Several other bug fixes.
Possible unstable performance fixes
  • In some PC versions, Ray Tracing may be unintentionally enabled and cause unstable performance. Please check the Ray Tracing setting in the "System" > "Graphics " > "Ray Tracing Quality" from the title screen or in-game menu. ...

Patch Notes Version 1.15

Patch 1.15 has been released for **ELDEN RING Shadow of the Erdtree**.
This update brings bug fixes & performance improvements for **Shadow of the Erdtree**.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where the cutscene that plays when entering the Shadow Keep Church District would play again when re-entering the area.
  • Fixed a bug where some of the Golem Fist weapon attacks would not deal damage when the player was affected by certain special effects. ...

Patch Notes Version 1.14

Final Boss balance adjustments

The following adjustments have been made to the final boss of “SHADOW OF THE ERDTREE”:

  • Changed the action pattern when the battle starts.
  • Adjusted some attack moves.
  • Decreased the damage of some attacks.
  • Decreased stamina damage of some attacks.
  • Decreased the attack range of some non-weapon-based attacks.
  • Improved the visibility of some attack effects.
    PvP-exclusive balance adjustments

    Equipment ...

Patch Notes Version 1.13.2

A hotfix (1.13.2) has been released to fix a bug.

Please download and apply the latest update in order to play the game. We apologize for the inconvenience.   Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug which caused the Death status ailment from the Skill "Death Flare" to be applied to the Skill "Deadly Poison Spray".
  • Fixed a bug that caused the power of some attacks used by the NPC "Red Bear" to be higher than intended. ...

Patch Notes Version 1.13

PvP-exclusive balance adjustments


  • Increased poise damage of normal attacks for the following weapon types: Light Great Swords / Backhand Blades / Hand-to-Hand Arts / Beast Claws
  • Increased poise damage of dual wield attacks for the following weapon types: Straight Swords / Thrusting Swords / Curved Swords / Katanas / Spears / Whips / Fists / Claws
  • Increased poise damage of the Claws of Night throwing attacks. ...

Patch Notes Version 1.12.3

PvP-exclusive balance adjustments
  • Decreased the damage and damage animation of the shearing vacuum effect of the “Swift Slash” Skill.
General balance adjustments
  • Increased the Intelligence scaling of the Carian Sorcery Sword and slightly decreased the base damage.
  • Extended the throwing attacks range for the following weapons:
  • Smithscript Dagger / Smithscript Cirque ...