Predator's Mercy and Predator's Hunger are now performed at 200ms during a Front Dodge (up from 100ms)
Dev comment: We're reverting the timing change for Shaman's Predator's Hunger and Predator's Mercy to remove an infinite that was possible when too close to a wall. While the ability to perform Predator's Mercy on a Heavy Parry was intended as it has clear drawbacks (requires an opponent to be Bleeding and cleanses the Bleed and thus requires more timing and...
Throw victims are now fully invulnerable to Guard Break for the duration of the throw
Dev comment: Following a data review, we've noticed an inconsistency with throws; the throw victims sometimes became vulnerable to Guard Break during the throw, and while the Guard Break attempts were counterable, this still caused consistency issues and could lead to big damage during ganks. We've thus standardized this; victims of throws are now fully...
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