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Lethal Company

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Latest Updates

Version 55 - The Cruising Update

Hello, Version 55 is here! This update is mainly just the Company Cruiser, an epic luxury transportation vehicle, capable of transporting an unimaginable amount of scrap all at once. There are also two new creatures and some fixes. Also, you can buy weed killer. Fixes:

  • Fixed some desync problems with the position of nutcrackers and mechs
  • Fixed inconsistent damage numbers or just totally whiffing when attacking creatures with weapons. ...

Version 55 now available in the beta branch!

Hello, you can now test Version 55 in the public beta branch! Try out the Company Cruiser--the most safe and luxurious method of transportation. I'll be working on improvements and fixes over the next few days until I feel the changes do not harm the experience, then I will release it officially. I hope you have fun!

The in-game server list is down (but you can still join friends)

Hi, this is a quick announcement letting you know that the server list isn't working properly at the moment, and it might take me some time to figure out what's going on. You can still join friends using the Steam overlay and friends list.   If you want to find someone to play with, you can use the Steam forums here or the "looking-for-crew" channel in our Discord. While we're here... In case you haven't gotten the news, here's an important announcement!:   ...

Version 50 - The Hopping Update

Hi, it's been a long time, but at long last I have another lethal update to bring you! I hope you'll forgive me for suggesting in a previous post here that lethal updates would be somewhat regular and predictable--that was a bit naïve of me. Sorry, I'm just not working like I have a quota, because that would be ironic. New additions include:   - A new forest moon, Adamance   - Reworked Dine's exterior   - Two new entities outdoors, one new entity indoors   ...

The Challenge Moons Patch - Version 47

Hello employees, I hope you had a good Christmas. Now get back to work!!! I've been taking a break, catching up on movies and writing and drawing, so this update isn't too crazy but has lots of little things. In Version 50 I hope to add lots of new creatures and map variation. (However since there are big changes in my life, I might not be able to work on it as quickly as I worked on Version 45.) Version 47 Notes:   - Added replayable challenge moons   ...

The Frosty Update - Version 45

Hello, it has felt like a while hasn't it! I held myself back from releasing this update last weekend, and I'm glad, because some of the best stuff was added just this week. Since I'm having a hard time thinking of what to say, here is Version 45. ###### Patch notes: Added chemistry flasks and dramatic Masks, nutcrackers with guns and spray paint cans for funs.   Rail cheese has been nearly destroyed, but the forest giant is easier to avoid.   ...