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Vermintide 2

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Hotfix 6.4.3

Hotfix 6.4.3 - 17th of March

 Features & Tweaks

  • Bot Improvements: (note, these changes were missed from patch 6.4.0 patch notes)           - Bots now avoid healing Zealots.


  • Fixed social wheel messages not working in Versus.
  • Fixed a bug where Weaves was inaccessible for some players.

Vermintide 2's 7th Anniversary is live now! + Hotfix 6.5.1

Heroes! Another year has passed and Vermintide 2 celebrates its 7th anniversary! It’s time to party and go out drinking with our heroes across the ruined streets of Helmgart looking for that one last casket of Bugman’s, and fight whatever nasty Skaven or Rotblood dares to interrupt! The event will last from today until March 16! A Quiet Drink & new Portrait Frame ...

PC Hotfix 6.3.4 - Easy Anti-Cheat update

Heroes! We’ve just pushed a patch that swaps our old version of Easy Anti-Cheat for the newest version. The previous version is scheduled to shut down on March 4, which would’ve meant no protection to the game from cheats or tampering unless we did this upgrade. A couple of things to note about this change:   ...

FREE new map: Devious Delvings is out now! Patch 6.3.0 + Hotfix 6.3.2

Hotfix 6.3.2 - 6th of February

     Features & Tweaks


  • (Versus) Added Custom Game Settings for:           - Toggling Hero Rescue points.     - Setting the round time limit.
  • (Versus) Turned the Pactsworn Health settings in Custom Games into a slider. Also, redesigned how the Custom Settings sliders look.
  • Sound cooldown when pinging the same target or placing a new world marker increased from 0.5 seconds to 2 seconds. ...

Versus Update - New playable monster: Rat Ogre! Patch 6.2.0

Heroes and Pactsworn! This update brings a new dangerous toy for the Pactsworn side in Versus: A new playable monster, the Rat Ogre! When the time comes for a Monster to spawn in a Versus match, Pactsworn players can choose between the Bile Troll and the Rat Ogre. While both are monsters, their way of assaulting the Hero team is very different, and so it is up to the players to choose the right tool for the job (or just the most fun!) ...

The Forsaken Temple is out now! Patch 6.1.0

Heroes! Today we bring you a brand new mission: The Forsaken Temple! This FREE mission is the first of three maps in the brand new ‘Verminous Dreams’ campaign. ...