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Fixed a bug where the weapons in the paratroopers’ crate did not match the BR of the battle.

  • Fixed a bug where the anti-tank guns built by engineers did not match the BR of the battle.
  • Adjusted the capture zone of point B in the "Kamenka River (Conquest)" mission.
  • Adjusted the size of the battle area for guerrillas in the "Al Har (Assault)" mission.
  • Removed the "Battle Pass" tab from the Shop.


The work on the next major update continues! In the meantime, today we are ready to present you with a smaller one, containing no less important fixes and improvements!  

Improving graphical effects

The DLSS 4 support improves performance and brings new features for NVIDIA RTX graphics card owners. Plus, the improved cinematic effects help you recreate the aesthetics of film and movie cameras in the game!  

AI navigation and map improvements


Making Enlisted a Better Place №67

Each issue of our series focuses on a certain aspect of the game or a particular mechanic, in which we correct smaller, but noticeable bugs and add new interesting features.  

Reducing the cost of discarding perks

We're back with an important change based on your feedback: we've revised the cost of discarding the perks of your soldiers - it's now much cheaper! ...


Adjusted the characteristics of the Fedorov rifle: increased its base damage to 12.6, reduced its recoil, increased its recoil control and the 3-round burst is now the default firing mode.

  • Improved the display of unique rewards in the Battle Pass screen. When clicking a level with a gold order in it, a "More detailed" button is now shown. ...


Added the T26E1-1 and Chi-Ri II to practice mode.

  • Fixed the gunner’s pose on the TIZ AM-600.
  • Corrected the HVAP-T in the 37 mm cannon of the Bf 110 G-2.

Update "Tigers of Burma"

The "Tigers of Burma" show their claws, challenging the bravest of hunters! Charge into battle for a tropical coastal city in the Burma campaign, master new unlockable top-tier vehicles, and tame the improved motorcycles! The new "Burma heartlands" location was created with great attention to detail and love for Burma's cultural and historical heritage. Explore ancient temple complexes and the streets of a suddenly deserted town shoulder to shoulder with your teammates! ...