Quality of life improvements
• When you click to walk on the map, the route finding is now allowed to go slightly outside the displayed circle. The destination must still be within the circle. This should make it behave more consistently.
• Improve violins in two pieces of music.
Bug fixes
• Move femur shard in Wolves' Den so wolves engaged in passive combat do not have to walk over it.
Quality of life improvements
• Auto withdraw from a timber bank in a weapon crafting room will only consider weapons you can craft in that room, giving a better result.
Bug fixes
• Fix auto withdraw quantity for pine poles.
• Add missing question mark indicator to west gate town guard when they are a witness.
• Fix bug where XP notifications sometimes appeared off the top of the screen.
Quality of life improvements
• NPCs will no longer stand on top of forager and gatherer spots. For example, wolves will no longer stand on top of femur shards.
Bug fixes
• The logout button on the passive activity footer interface is now disabled until the passive activity has actually started and it is safe to logout.
• Players will now more consistently auto-retaliate in combat.
• Fix various typos.
h3]Quality of life improvements
• The maximum distance you can click to walk on the map is now restricted to a circle instead of a number of rooms. This is so the distance doesn't vary depending on the room size, so it is easier to tell how far away you can click. The circle is displayed as an overlay on the map.
Bug fixes
• Recenter the map when teleported to the infirmary after death.
• Fix the portrait of one of the female sparring guards.
Leaderboards improvements
Players no longer need to opt-in to the leaderboards to be ranked, meaning all players will have a true rank. To comply with privacy laws in various countries, players can still choose to appear as 'Anonymous Player' on the leaderboards.
Furthermore, if you choose to appear as 'Anonymous Player' the leaderboards, your total level will not be shown to nearby players and you will not be able to view the leaderboards.
Bug fixes
Quality of life improvements
• Increase the number of active combat monsters in many rooms, ensuring there are at least 4 in each room.
• Expand the size of a few rooms to accommodate an additional active combat monster.
• Decrease the number of concurrent players allowed in some rooms with active combat monsters, to reduce contention.
• Add a logout button to the passive activity interface.
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