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RuneScape (Old School)

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Latest Updates

Clan Events Improvements

Just a few small Quality of Life changes this week as we prepare for the launch of tomorrow's Sailing Alpha!

Permanent Deadman: World 345 Improvements

We’ve updated World 345, the permanent Deadman world! Introducing new charms, reimagined PvP mechanics, and the return of boss breaches.

Game Jam: Charges QoL

Remember the Charges QoL improvements from Game Jam V? They are now live in-game!

Game Jam: POH Improvements

There’s no place like home… especially with these new PoH improvements!

Royal Titans CAs & Birthday Rewards

Royal Titans Combat Achievements & 12th Birthday Rewards are here!

Royal Titans Feedback & 12th Birthday Celebrations

This week we’re gathering your feedback on the Royal Titans and preparing for an unforgettable Birthday livestream!