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Patch 0.217.46

Hello vikings! We've got a bunch of fixes and improvements for you today, to smooth out the game and to prepare everything for the upcoming Ashlands update. This patch touches on everything from enemy spawning and build pieces to language issues and memory leaks. Most notably though, it features an upgrade of Unity and a significant change to how the game loads assets such as dungeons. If you mod the game, please see the FAQ linked further below as it will most likely affect yours. ...

Patch 0.217.38

Aside from some regular fixes and tweaks, this patch features two special things that we really hope you will appreciate! Firstly we have changed the seasonal items to be set to activate depending on the date. Since we're in December, that means the yuletide items will be available right now! And the second highly requested feature is that we have added keyboard/mouse support for Xbox, so that you can play the game however you prefer! Happy holidays! Abbreviated patch notes: ...

Patch 0.217.31

Some small, but still very much important, fixes for this patch! Patch Notes: • Fixed a loading order issue for ObjectTypes, so now items/creatures won’t load before terrain is finished   • 'Use item' hints on objects for the hotbar are now visible again when playing with a controller

Patch 0.217.30

We have a further list of hotfixes for you today! Patch notes: • Fixed an issue where text would not load correctly if computer name uses non-english characters   • Fixed and issue where the character orientation does not update when interacting with objects   • Fixed an issue where the touchpad on PS controllers sometimes opens pause and map menu at the same time   • Fixed an issue with custom keybinds for build menu can’t close the build menu   ...

Patch 0.217.29

We have just a small hotfix for you today! Patch notes: • Fixed an issue where text would not load correctly if computer name uses non-english characters   • Fixed an issue with the player list having no background graphic   • Fixed an issue with click sounds in the build menu   • Fixed an issue with sleeping Ulvs would fill the player log with warnings

Patch 0.217.28

We know it's a bit late, but this patch finally brings the Jack-o-turnip and the new pointy hat to the default branch of the game! Hopefully we will be able to change our system for this fairly soon, so that the seasonal content can simply be tied to specific dates in the future, instead of having to pass through the Public Test Branch before being released. ...