This Week in Destiny we’re going for gold. With so much to do right now, we’re playing our fair share of Court of Blades, all while doing our part to help our class win Guardian Games. You aren't just going to let Titans run away with it, right?
Increased the granularity of the performance bonus portion of the Rank rewards.
- This will allow the performance bonus to grant additional positive points more often.
Increased the maximum amount the performance bonus can grant from +10 to +20.
Increased the maximum amount the contribution scalar can grant from +50 to +60.
This Week in Destiny, we had an amazing time during our Developer Livestream and showing you what's coming very soon with Heresy Act II. We also have a ton more to talk about this week, like Guardian Games. But let's not spoil it and, instead, list the topics for today, ok?
Recap of our latest Developer Livestream
Guardian Games starts next week
Guardian Games Rushdown Roulette
PvP tuning updates and fixes coming in Act II
Keen Thistle weekend in Trials of Osiris
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