If you did not receive a New Year’s Kiss Inbox after being eligible and chose to “Forget” your relationships with the Hex before the weekly rollover on Sunday Jan 17th, we are evaluating options to send the missing smooch to affected players. Read more on that and other related issues we’re investigating, plus clarifications on eligibility to receive the inbox in the following PSA: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1434690-1999-new-years-kiss-inbox-improvements/Changes:
Ember and Frost’s passives now apply to their Affinity Range, instead of being a fixed range.
Disabled use of the Atomicycle in all Warframe Quests -- excluding The Hex Quest, of course!
While we are committed to keeping the Atomicycle where we can outside of 1999, it was causing numerous Quest cinematics to break if you were on wheels. It’s important to us to preserve and protect these cinematic Quest experiences — apologies!
KIM: Romance & Relationship System Changes & Fixes:
As shared in a PSA yesterday, we have added ways to better communicate when you are unable to rank up in Chemistry with a Protoframe due to being an insufficient rank in The Hex Syndicate. We’ve done so in the following ways:
Removed Höllars Cache as a reward from all of the Hell-Scrub and Legacyte Harvest mission rotations based on player feedback.
In light of this, we’ve redistributed the drop chances to the Endo and Neo/Meso Relics. For the new drop chance percentages, visit the official Warframe Drop Tables.
Happy Monday, Tenno! Back at it with another Hotfix to address your weekend reports and more.
Made the following changes to the Techrot Babau and Scaldra Dedicant to address player feedback on how difficult they were to defeat (especially on the Steel Path):
- Reduced the Health of the Scaldra Dedicant by half.