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Hello Miners, Due to the amount of feedback we got regarding the Core Stone event, we have tweaked the encounter, overall decreasing the difficulty, especially on higher hazards. We also included a few other fixes. With Love,   The Ghost Ship Crew   --- PATCH NOTES — Crawler Tweaks  

  • Reduced movement speed by 10%  
  • Made it so that the corrosive death puddles no longer fly out forward towards the player, but instead drop where the Crawler is killed   ...


Hello Miners, We are preparing for fun events and included a number of bugs fixes and weapon tweaks. With Love,   The Ghost Ship Crew   --- PATCH NOTES —

  • Fixed Gunner Shields being able to mess with rift spawning and ruin the encounter  
  • Fixed Boltshark's T5 Magnetic Shafts upgrade only affecting the direct damage  
  • Significantly increased the fear chance of the T5 Banshee Module upgrade on the Boltshark   ...


Hello Miners, This patch is mainly a bunch of bug fixes and improvements along with some optimizations to the Core Stone event. Hopefully there are no catastrophic bugs this time…… hopefully With Love,   The Ghost Ship Crew   --- PATCH NOTES —

  • Fixed crash related to using the SmRt Trigger OC for the Lok-1 rifle  
  • Fixed Crystal terrain surrounding Resonance Crystals did not appear when joining during load screen   ...


Hello Miners, This patch contains fixes to everything from the Drillevator to overclocks and enemies. Remember to use Pleasefix to report your bugs and vote for the issues you would like to have fixed! With Love,   The Ghost Ship Crew   --- PATCH NOTES —

  • Added new sounds for center engine on drillevator  
  • Fixed that sometimes clients could join and not get the UI element.   ...

Patch Notes: HOTFIX S05.03.1

Hello Miners, Sorry, it works now, our bad UwU With Love,  

The Ghost Ship Crew — PATCH NOTES —

  • Fixed that the game crashed most of the time you tried to join a game


Patch Notes: S05.02 (101624 - 18/06/2024)   Hello Miners, This patch includes several crash fixes as well as a lot of fixes to everything from enemies & overclocks to UI. With Love,  

The Ghost Ship Crew--- PATCH NOTES —

  • Fixed that projectiles where shooting slightly lower than intended  
  • Fixed laser point description on latejoin pod beacon  
  • Fixed UV problem with scanning pod head  
  • Fixed screen on Liquid Morkite Refinery DD Objective   ...