Hello Miners,
Small one today (well, technically yesterday) miners, we received the message that the Skullcrusher armor needed fixin’
With Love,
The Ghost Ship Crew
Fixed some cloth material that would not use the correct paintjob when using the Skullcrusher framework
Hello Miners,
This patch brings a lot more variance in Egg Hunt, crash fixes and some general fixes to bugs that have plagued the hard working members of the Miners Union, which is sure to boost morale, and more importantly - productivity by up to 32%.
With Love,
The Ghost Ship Crew
Fixed a crash if a certain room was generated that no longer existed
Fixed that Egg Hunt missions was only using 10% of the cave layouts possible
Hello Miners,
Althought the patch was last week, naughty elf's made this post disappear, it is now here! This patch adds a few seasonal events, fixes a number of bugs and we updated the DRG universe tab to also include the Merch Store and Mug Kickstarter.
With Love,
The Ghost Ship Crew
Hello Miners,
Due to the amount of feedback we got regarding the Core Stone event, we have tweaked the encounter, overall decreasing the difficulty, especially on higher hazards. We also included a few other fixes.
With Love,
The Ghost Ship Crew
Crawler Tweaks
Reduced movement speed by 10%
Made it so that the corrosive death puddles no longer fly out forward towards the player, but instead drop where the Crawler is killed
Hello Miners,
This patch is mainly a bunch of bug fixes and improvements along with some optimizations to the Core Stone event. Hopefully there are no catastrophic bugs this time…… hopefully
With Love,
The Ghost Ship Crew
Fixed crash related to using the SmRt Trigger OC for the Lok-1 rifle
Fixed Crystal terrain surrounding Resonance Crystals did not appear when joining during load screen
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