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42.6.0 UNSTABLE Released

How do I subscribe to the Unstable beta branch? NEW

  • Added the missing foraging zones to WorldMapRenderer.lua
  • Added Bendable Fences framework. Only for Wire Fences (for now).  
    • Added sandbox options FenceThumpersRequired, FenceDamageMultiplier.- Show crafting inputs by Uses if whole item is not consumed  
  • Pickaxing/etc Ore, Limestone or Flint deposits will generate Masonry XP; 5 XP per item produced.   ...

42.5.1 UNSTABLE Hotfix Released

Slight fixes to zombie heat map. Some remote locations had too many. (Zombie heat map is always a work in progress and will be continually refined through many patches)  

  • Added missing tiles for Stendo's Firearms Emporium, including the all important sign.  
  • Characters with Smoker will now cough once in 12-35 hours. Full 42.5.0 UNSTABLE patchnotes if you missed them.

42.5.0 UNSTABLE Released

42.5.0 - Being released after a week's dev cycle to tidy up some bugs from last time. NEW

  • Added new map location: Stendo's Firearms Emporium. This is an updated version of the gun store that can be found behind Twiggy's Bar in West Point. This is intended as a memorial to Stendo_Clip who was the founding author of the Vanilla Firearms Expansion mod - following conversation with, and permission from, family members. ...

42.4.1 UNSTABLE Hotfix Released

42.4.1 Hotfix:  

42.4.0 UNSTABLE Released

How do I subscribe to the Unstable beta branch? NEW

  • Added an Extended Placement UI.  
  • RMC on a 3D item on the ground to move it precisely.  
  • Added raccoons, though currently there are issues with their fence-climbing.  
  • Added 5 new flyers
  • Build Window and HandCraft Window are now usable with a controller. To navigate between the different panes in these windows, press and hold the right shoulder button   and use the D-pad.   ...

42.3.1 UNSTABLE Hotfix Released

  • Fixed NaN calorie error caused by characters starting auto-drinking before the Filling action is completed.