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Y1S2.5 Patch Notes

  • Fixed a glitch allowing players to rack up melee damage with rapid taps of the Melee button, despite the corresponding animation only showing a single strike.   
  • Highwaymen 
    • Launching the Highwaymen's Buzzsaw Launcher ultra no longer crashes the game (which was pretty on brand for the Highwaymen but not really a great experience for players).  ...

Y1S2.4 Patch Notes

  • Highwaymen 
    • Firing one round of the Highwaymen's M79 grenade launcher and then immediately switching to another faction no longer breaks weapon reloading. 
  • Phantoms 
    • Phantoms were getting killed inside their Aegis ultra by foes who entered the bubble and fired ability-based weapons (such as the Saw Launcher or M79 grenade launcher) but clearly missed. 
  • Air & Space  ...

Y1S2.3 Patch Notes

  • Added a new Quick Play button to the main menu so players can bypass the pomp and circumstance and jump right into the action.

  • Widened the entry angle from which a player facing a ledge can mantle it, from 120 degrees to 140 degrees. In other words, now players shouldn't have to directly face a ledge to mantle it. Also restored missing player animations when mantling an object while wielding the SPAS-12.


Y1S2.2 Patch Notes

  • Daily Challenges can now directly level up the Battle Pass, earning up to an entire BP tier if players complete hard challenges. 

  • Players now receive notifications for destroying specific enemy abilities (such as Spiderbots, Scrap Turrets, Mag Barriers, etc.). 

  • Previously, players could negate the sway penalty for spamming the Crouch button if they held their breath (in the game, not IRL) while aiming down the sight. But now, fixed! 


XDefiant S2.1 Patch Notes


  • Fixed an issue preventing some players from sliding after a jump if they selected the Hold option instead of Toggle for Crouch and Sprint in the Settings menu.

  • Corrected a control issue that stopped players from sprinting if they fired while quickly switching to ADS in mid-sprint.

  • Victims of melee attacks now suffer a movement penalty of half speed for a quarter of a second, exactly enough time to say, "Ow, hey!"


Y1S1.5 Patch Notes


Since humans first hopped, some among them thought they should not. Others consider jumping the most profound expression of skill. Both sorts will find something to argue about in this array of new jump-spamming mitigations. 

  • Let's start with a tweak to the sway penalty, which shimmies a player's aim on subsequent rapid jumps (defined as those triggered within 1.25 seconds of a previous jump). The first three jumps remain sway free, as before, except now the maximum penalty applies...