We are planning to modify skills, add a replay system, and costumes.
Scheduled main update contents are as follows:  
• Some details in the Update Plan may be changed or not applied during maintenance..  
• Please check the Patch Note after maintenance.
■Update Goals:  
1. Class  
🔸 SWAT  
- Close Quarters Combat Training will be changed to Return Fire skill.  
- Return Fire: Damage will be increased upon being hit for 5 seconds.
In this update, we are planning to adjust weapon balance and airdrop components, and fix some bugs.
Scheduled main update contents are as follows:  
• Some details in the Update Plan may be changed or not applied during maintenance..  
• Please check the Patch Note after maintenance.
■Update Goals:  
1. Weapon  
- Damage to some weapons using 7.62 mm will be increased.  
🔸 AR
In this update, we are planning to adjust class and weapon balance, and fix some bugs.
Scheduled main update contents are as follows:  
• Some details in the Update Plan may be changed or not applied during maintenance..  
• Please check the Patch Note after maintenance.
■Update Goals:  
1. Class  
🔸 Demolisher  
- Screen shaking while using the Shoulder Launcher will be reduced.
🔸 Gas Soldier  
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