Welcome to the latest official patch notes for Ring of Elysium. Here are the full details:
Coin Store
Brand-new standalone permanent Adventurer Character- "Automata" joins the fight! Priced at 60000 Coins, her aesthetical presence brings something different to Europa Island
Introducing "Futuristic Weapon Supply Box", priced at 1000 Coins, rewards include 4 brand-new Epic weapon skins and 10 rare weapon skins, open it to get a random reward inside the box
Welcome to the latest official patch notes for Ring of Elysium. Here are the full details:
Community Map Vote
Voting period: Oct 7 to Oct 20, 2021
Event details:
  - Community Map Vote event is back! Voting will last for two weeks, and the map with the most votes will become the next cycle's main map of the game (Normal Mode)
Welcome to the latest official patch notes for Ring of Elysium. Here are the full details:
Adventurer Characters
Unlocked Pete- Golden Devil, Golden Devil Style A, and Golden Devil Style B
New in Store
EP Store:
  - The Adventurer Pass Bundle is now back in Store, for just 1980 E-Points, unlock the S15 Adventurer Pass, 20 instant tier boosts, and 10 exclusive reward boxes!
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