Note: Attacks callouts reference default controls.
Marceline the Vampire Queen
These changes directly affect the zero-to-death loops Marceline the Vampire Queen was able to perform.
Air Neutral Attack
~ Hitpause reduced
– Hitstun reduced
Ground Neutral Special
~ Now maintains stacks of bass rhythm buff upon exiting bass stance
Marceline the Vampire Queen joins the Multiverse! Marceline is now available for purchase with Gleamium, a Character Ticket, a direct purchase, or through the “Vampire Vibes: Marceline’s Sun Hat” bundle. She can be purchased for 6,000 Fighter Currency or accessed through the Fighter Road starting December 20th.
Other General Updates
Shields have been enabled by default in Training and Local
Fixed an issue where the Star Contenders game mode for Wacky Weekend was not working properly
Fighters can now be purchased for tickets or fighter currency from the fighters tab. (Note: these purchase options will only appear if you have enough tickets or fighter currency to purchase the fighter.)
Fixed an issue where timed-release difficulties would show as “Expired” rather than counting down until their release
Azarath, Metrion, Zinthos! Raven joins the Multiverse. Raven is now available for purchase with Gleamium, a Character Ticket, a direct purchase, or through the “White Raven: Trigon’s Heir” bundle. She can be purchased for 6,000 Fighter Currency or accessed through the Fighter Road starting November 15th.
*NEW* Arena Mode
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