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Secrets of Gloomrot Hotfix #11

Hello, Vampires! We took a moment away from cranking the terrible engines of undeath for the upcoming 1.0 patch to address some important issues, as well as a few minor cosmetic changes to the main menu to reflect social updates and added support for reporting issues. This hotfix, set to be released shortly, contains the following changes:

  • Fixed a bug that allowed players with their FPS reduced below 1 to be able to phase through castle doors in some specific locations. ...

Secrets of Gloomrot Hotfix #10

Hello, Vampires! We’re slipping out of the crypts to undo a little chaos and squash a couple of annoying bugs. Pay no mind to the vermin as we sweep them up, and continue enjoying your undead days a little bit more pest-free than the days before. This hotfix, set to be launched shortly, contains the following changes:

  • Fixed a bug where Sword Shockwave ability could cause a vampire to go up to the second floor of a castle.


Secrets of Gloomrot Hotfix #9

Greetings, creatures of the night!

Below we’ve outlined a few changes coming to Vardoran with some general fixes, optimizations, and a few console commands that may be useful for server administrators and photographers alike!

This hotfix, set to be launched shortly, contains the following changes:

General Fixes

The “FAQ” and “Bug Report” buttons got worn down due to your diligent bug reporting, so we updated them with new and shiny buttons.


Secrets of Gloomrot Hotfix #8

Hello, Vampires!

This is a patch to revert a change from the last hotfix that caused more trouble than it solved.

This hotfix, set to be launched shortly, contains the following changes:

  • Reverted a fix that prevented some AoE casts from being able to hit through floors. We will be implementing a more robust fix for this in the future.

We're always grateful for your help in translating the game at


Secrets of Gloomrot Hotfix #7

Hello, thirsty Vampires!

We’re here to quench that thirst for bug blood by slaughtering some particularly annoying ones! This will be our last major round of bug fixing before we turn our attention to focusing on working our magic on the next big update, but keep on sending those reports in, as we’ll certainly still be taking time to address critical bug fixes as they crop up.


Secrets of Gloomrot Hotfix #6

Greetings, Vampires of Vardoran!

We're back with another round of bug bashing! Our focus remains on the most reported bugs on our report board, as well as a plethora of others. If a specific bug fix you've been anticipating isn't included in this update, rest assured! Certain fixes demand a higher degree of scrutiny and exhaustive testing before deployment, and we're working diligently on the remaining ones.

Our impending hotfix, set to be launched soon, contains the following improvements:
