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PC/Mac Patch Notes v9.3.9

The Elder Scrolls online v9.3.9 contains a fix for a game freeze and a UI issue on the Russian game client. All PC players will also receive 200 Seals of Endeavor during this maintenance, along with the additional items for any player that previously had their account locked during the PTS issue last month. For more information on this, please see [this forum post]( ...

PC/Mac Patch Notes v9.3.8

The Elder Scrolls Online v9.3.8 contains a couple crash fixes, additional fixes for missing Guild History items and the removal of some stray Witches Festival decorations (sorry to those who like to celebrate year-round). The size of this patch is approximately 274MB.

General- Stray Witches Festival decorations are now properly stored away until the actual holiday arrives.

General- Fixed a rare crash that could happen when resizing or moving the game window to another monitor. ...

PC/Mac Hotfix, April 11- Addressing Recent Zone Crashing

Hi everyone, Tomorrow, April 11 beginning at 6am ET/10am UTC, we'll be performing a hotfix on the PC/Mac megaservers to address recent zone crashes. This hotfix will require downtime. The estimated end time for maintenance will be around 9am ET/ 1pm UTC. Thanks for your continued patience as we work to resolve this issue.

PC/Mac Patch Notes v9.3.7

The Elder Scrolls Online v9.3.7 includes fixes for an issue involving the Tarnished Nightmare set, Monster Mask sets from the new dungeons not being properly curated, some issues relating to siege stacking, continued issues involving guild history, and more. The size of this patch is approximately 443.75MB.

Dungeon Sets- Tarnished Nightmare: Fixed an issue where this set had unintended effects combined with Magicka Detonation and its morphs.


PC/Mac Patch Notes v9.3.6

The Elder Scrolls Online v9.3.6 adds unified Cyrodiil Repair Kits to the game and includes bug fixes for some item sets and abilities not respecting their target limits, an issue involving Mist Form, several missing coffers from Urgarlag, a fix for the online/offline status dropdown, guild history, and more. The size of this patch is approximately 246MB. Unified Cyrodiil Repair Kits   ...

PC/Mac Hotfix, March 13 - Achievement Progress & Outfit Styles

Hi everyone, Tomorrow, March 13 beginning at 4am EDT/8am GMT, we'll be performing a hotfix on the PC/Mac megaservers to address two issues that surfaced after the launch of Update 41. This hotfix contains the following:

  • Fixed an issue where achievement progress could appear to be reset. Note that no achievements were actually reset or lost, and this was purely a visual issue. ...